15-Hour Health & Safety Training
Due to the successful completion of the highly acclaimed Child Care Training courses last year, we are thrilled to announce the continued collaboration of United Federation of Teachers (UFT) and CPC-ECLW, in offering quality child care training courses, free of charge, to licensed family child care providers and assistants.
In addition to offering training in Chinese and English, we are delighted to offer our training in Spanish and Korean.
(Courses in English, Chinese, Spanish & Korean)
All new family or group family providers must complete this 15–hour State-approved training course before becoming a licensed Provider. This course covers topics such as preventing injuries, supervision, SIDS, SBS, Child Abuse, Food Safety, Preventing Disease Transmission and Caring for Ill Children.
To register for Child Care Training courses, please contact Ms. Jessica Jian, Program Assistant, at 212-941-0030 ext.161 or email her at jjian@cpc-nyc.org. For services in Spanish, please contact Ms. Erika Enchautegui at ext. 219 or email her at eenchautegui@cpc-nyc.org Visit https://www.childcarecpc.org for more details on ECLW’s services.