Funded by the New York State Office of Children and Family Service, CPC Early Childhood Learning & Wellness Services administers the following grants:
(1) The Health Care Quality Improvement Grant: seeks to increase the participation of both centers and family child care providers in developing or carrying out comprehensive health care plans and/or administering medication. Our goal is to eliminate the barriers that have been identified, and to utilize the skills and expertise of our health care specialists. Based on our experience over the past several years, we will provide access to funds to support centers and registered/licensed child care sites to be qualified to administer medications to children. Health Care Quality Improvement Grants will fund training for child care sites that are working toward a goal of formulating a Health Care Plan, or need additional support in carrying out the Plan. The Health Care Quality Improvement Grants will fund MAT, CPR/First Aid training, and/or other related health care training needed (up to $250) carrying out the Plan. For the application for the Health Care Quality Improvement Grant, click here.
(2) The Learning Environment Quality Improvement Grant: supports quality initiatives to selected registered/licensed providers and centers that are receiving assessment-based intensive technical assistance. These grants will go to sites that have successfully participated in an intensive technical assistance project that includes a pre and post-assessment using an Environmental Rating Scale (ERS) or other quality-assessment tool. The Learning Environment Quality Improvement Grant will fund the purchase of appropriate materials ($250) chosen in partnership with the assessment-based TA team working with the site.registered and licensed child care providers, center-based program, and legally-exempt providers are eligible to apply for this grant (up to a maximum of $250) for program-specific equipment/supplies. For the Learning Environment Quality Improvement Grant, click here.
(3) The Business Quality Improvement Grant: provides access to funds to support selected registered/licensed providers that are receiving assessment-based intensive technical assistance and other quality-based services from the CPC-ECLW to receive further child care business training. These grants will go to sites that have successfully participated in an intensive technical assistance project that includes a pre & post-assessment using an Environmental Rating Scale (ERS) or other quality-assessment tool, as well as programs working directly with CPC-ECLW on quality programming. The Business Quality and Sustainability Grant will fund training focusing on business operations for child care settings ($250). For the Business Quality Improvement Grant, click here.
Additional Grants
The Child Care Desert Grant helps providers invest in their child care to expand capacity. A Child care desert exists in areas that do not have enough licensed/registered child care slots to serve the children who live in a particular geographic area. The goal is to build capacity and strengthen New York’s families and economy by addressing the issues that impact child care such as productivity problems and turnover due to child care deserts in the most vulnerable areas of the state. The First Application Period lasted until May 19, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. On July 20, 2022 the Second application window opened for applications who are licensed/permitted before 1/28/2022. The window will close Wednesday August 24, 2022 at 11:59 pm. Please visit the OCFS website to start your application. For more grant requirements, please find the full RFA here. All interested parties must complete the OCFS Child Day Care Orientation and have a facility ID. Download complete Frequently Asked Questions in English, Chinese, and Spanish Below
The Workforce Retention Grant is composed of two components. The first is the staff recruitment bonus which must be paid to staff, and the second is staff recruitment expenses and payroll tax assistance. All Office of Children an Family Services (OCFS) licensed/registered school-age child care programs (SACC) day care centers (DCC) family day care homes (FDC), group family day care homes (GFDC) small day care centers (SDCC) and NYC DOHMH permitted Article 47 GDCs that meet the grant requirements are eligible to apply. To be eligible, programs must be licensed , currently opened and in “good standing”, and have at least one child not related to staff at the time of the application and throughout the grant disbursement in order to continue receiving disbursements. To receive a staff retention bonus, staff must work an average of 15 hours per week, work directly in a child caring role, are in active staff rosters in FAMs or CCATS by June 26, 2023 and have been fingerprinted and provisionally background checked by June 26, 2023. The Workforce Retention Grant Portal opened 7/26/2023 and the application window closes 9/15/2023.
You can find more information and the portal on the OCFS website here.