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Child Care Provider Training

Training Requirements

Existing Providers/Assistants are required by regulation to complete 30 hours of training for each registration/ licensure period. Such training must address the following topics:
  1. Business Record Maintenance and Management
  2. Child Abuse and Maltreatment Identification and Prevention
  3. Child Day Care Program Development
  4. Identification, Diagnosis and Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome
  5. Nutrition and Health Needs of Infants and Children
  6. Principles of Early Childhood Development
  7. Safety and Security Procedures
  8. Statutes and Regulations Pertaining to Child Abuse and Maltreatment
  9. Statutes and Regulations Pertaining to Child Day Care

Training Calendar & Registration

ELCW offers ongoing quality training in English, Chinese, Spanish and Korean for licensed family child care providers, assistants, legally exempt providers and early childhood professionals, please find the following Child Care Training Calendar:

Child Care Training Courses
Due to the successful completion of the highly acclaimed Child Care Training courses last year, we are thrilled to announce the continued collaboration of United Federation of Teachers (UFT) and CPC Early Childhood Learning & Wellness Services, in offering quality child care training courses, free of charge, to licensed family child care providers and assistants.  Click here for 2019 UFT-CPC PD Training Calendar –English

120-Hour Child Development Associate (CDA) 
CDA is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education (ECE). The CDA National Credentialing Program is based on the knowledge of the nation’s leading scholars in early care and learning. CDAs are able to meet the specific needs of children and work with parents and other adults to nurture children’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth in a child development framework.

30-hour Cohort for Licensing Renewal
(Courses in Chinese, Spanish & Korean)
These sessions are designed to help fulfill the 30-hour requirement for initial licensing and renewal.  All topics are taught by NYS verified trainers or NYS certified early childhood educators.

7-Hour First Aid/CPR
(Courses in English, Chinese, Spanish & Korean)
The objective of this training is to help Providers gain knowledge and the skills necessary to manage a medical emergency.  IT centers on the essential responsibilities of a first aid responded; and basic first aid care, both in and out of the daycare site.

15-Hour SUNY Health & Safety
(Courses in English, Chinese, Spanish & Korean)
All new family or group family providers must complete this 15–hour State-approved training course before becoming a licensed Provider.  This course covers topics such as preventing injuries, supervision, SIDS, SBS, Child Abuse, Food Safety, Preventing Disease Transmission and Caring for Ill Children.

10-Hour Medication Administration Training
(Courses in English & Chinese)
Provides training to participants to understand OCFS regulations for medication administration for children in a childcare setting and provides guidance on other common health issues for children, including asthma and food and environmental allergies.

To register for Child Care Training courses, please contact Mr. Kevin Tam, Training Coordinator, at 212-941-0030 ext. 160 or email him at; For Spanish, please contact Mr. Henry Kam at ext. 248 or email him at Visit for more details on ECLW’s services.

Training topics include series of training on: 15-hour SUNY Health & Safety, 7-hour CPR & First Aid, 10-hour MAT training, Becoming a Licensed Home-based Child Care Provider, 120-hour CDA, 30-hour Cohort and more.

Request the Training Topics You Need

If you couldn’t find the training topics you need or would like to request the training topics from us, please contact the Training Coordinator, Mr. Kevin Tam at or (212) 941-0030 , ext 160.

Online Training

The New York City Child Care Resource and Referral (NYC CCR&R) Consortium is offering professional development opportunities through online training courses for early childhood professionals caring for infants, toddlers, pre-school and school age children.
You will be able to learn at your own pace 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The training courses include 50 hours of customizable training approved by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).
The online training courses can be taken to meet annual training requirements to complete hours for those seeking a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, CDA credential renewal or in-service training.
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