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Consumers with Special Needs

ECLW supports the following policies to help deaf and visually impaired children reach their highest potential:

* Support a full array of options in New York City to assure appropriate placement for all students. These options must include residential and special schools, as well as special classes, resource rooms, and itinerant teaching services in regular education classes.
* Provide sufficient funding to prepare an adequate number of teachers in all educational settings who are qualified to provide the specialized communication, literacy, academic, mobility, daily living, social, and career education skills that visually impaired children need.
* Provide access to the latest technology so every deaf or visually impaired student benefits from computer-based educational programs, such as those delivered via the Internet or multimedia educational software.
* Assure that parents and families of children who are deaf or visually impaired are provided with the information they need to determine the best educational option for their child.
* Statewide Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

State Education Department
Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities Deaf and hard of Hearing Services One Commerce Plaza, Room 16th Floor Albany, NY 12234
518-474-5652 V
518-486-3773 T
518-473-5769 FAX
Services for the Vision Blindness/ Visual Impairment

American Foundation for the Blind
1.800.232.5463 |
Home page to a wealth of information: AFB’s Service Center, where you can search and identify services for blind and visually impaired persons in the United States and Canada:
American Council of the Blind
800.424.8666 |

Blind Children’s Center

National Association for Parents of the Visually Impaired 800.562.6265|

Brooklyn Public Library– The child’s Place for children with special needs

“We provide programs for children from birth to age 12 at several Brooklyn Public Library locations. Children with and without special needs play and learn together in an inclusive setting. Call 718.253.4948 for more information, and to let us know how we can help your child participate fully.” NYS Developmental Disabilities Services Office (DDSO)
These NYS offices coordinate and give out contracts for support services for children with deveopmental disabiliies such as respite, case management, Medicaid waiver, parent training and other helpful programs andservces. To learn about all the srvices provided by your local DDSO, visit the New York State Office for People with Devleopmental Disabilities website or call information hotline (866) 946-973.
NECTAC is the national early childhood technical assistance center supported by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) under the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). NECTAC serves Part C-Infant and Toddlers with Disabilities Programs and Part B-Section 619 Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities in all 50 states and 10 jurisdictions to improve service systems and outcomes for children and families.
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