2022 Training calendar contains Information on resources and trainings!
CPC ECLW is pleased to announce that our 2022 Training Calendar, in both Chinese and English, is available for viewing and download. View the calendar and contact us for registration today! Each training and orientation is designed to improve the quality and growth of child care services in New York City. The calendar in English and Chinese can be viewed and downloaded here.
華策會的早期教育與健康服務部很高興地宣布,我們的 2022 年中英文托兒訓練日曆已出台,現可供查看和下載。請查看訓練日曆並立即聯繫我們進行註冊!每個培訓課程和講座都意在提高紐約市托兒服務的質量,並促進其發展。中英文培訓日曆可在此查看和下載