Dear Community Members and Child Care Providers,
To protect Community members and staff, and maintain social distancing, CPC ECLW will begin remote program services effective immediately. We are here to help and our remote services will be provided to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Office Number: 212-941-0030
For Family & Referral Services, ext. 228 and 239
For Providers Services: 160, 161, 204, 225, 284, and 457
For Health Care Consultancy: 227
For Infant-Toddler Services: ext. 236 and 246
For database: ext. 249 and 261
For Spanish: ext. 219 and 248
NYC CCR&R Consortium Hotline: 1 888-468-5999
辦公室電話號碼: 212-941-0030
家長尋找托兒服務, 分機 228 及 239
托兒人員服務: 分機160, 161 及 204
健康護理顧問: 分機227
嬰幼兒服務: 分機 236 及 246
熱線電話: 1 888-469-5999
Para la protección de nuestros miembros comunitarios, personal, y asegurar el distanciamiento social, los servicios del programa ECLW de CPC comenzarán remotamente de imnmediato. Estamos aquí para ayudarle, y nuestros servicios remotos continuarán mientras tomamos las medidas necesarias para prevenir la propagación de COVID-19.
oficina: 212-941-0030
Para español: ext. 219 y 248
Línea directa del Consorcio CCR & R de Nueva York: 1 888-468-5999
We also encourage all providers to review the most recent guidance from OCFS regarding COVID19 by clicking here, and by reading this additional memo released by OCFS and the New York State Early Care and Learning Council