We are pleased to announce that CPC’s Asian Child Care Resource & Referral Services (ACCR) will officially change its name to Early Childhood Learning & Wellness Services (ECLW), effective July 1, 2019. Over the past five years, the program has dramatically broadened its scope to include professional development and training in Spanish and Korean, in addition to English and Chinese. ECLW is well-positioned to grow in the future as we make preparations to expand our Infant and Toddler services. The impending Infant and Toddler Mental Health Initiative facilitated this name change, as our program services become more comprehensive and inclusive. Our highly acclaimed Training Program has also expanded thanks to our partnership with the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT).
CPC’s Early Childhood Learning & Wellness Services (ECLW) is one of the programs offered by CPC’s Manhattan Community Services. It is also a partner of the New York City Child Care Resource and Referral Consortium, composed of four culturally diverse child care resource and referral agencies in New York City. We aim to serve the child care needs of families by providing education, information, resources, and referrals, as well as to increase the supply and improve the quality of child care services through coaching, assessment-based and intensive technical assistance, healthcare consultancy, infant toddler and wellness services, and training.
You can find CPC’s Early Childhood Learning & Wellness Services at CPC’s Manhattan Community Center located at 165 Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002; Phone: 212-941-0030.